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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Yo, people!! It has been ages eh since my last post!! NO NO, this blog is not dead, it's just hibernating. That's all, wahahaha XD.

Anw, wondering what have been Windi doing all this while? Well, what else other than part-timing to save for my trip? Yupz, Windi have been part-timing quite aggresively during his last 3 weeks holidays!! He had even had 2 tuition kids!! But, not anymore. Was so disappointed with the kids. Haix, it's a long story for this entry.

Another part-time job would be the old long promoter for Cooper Vision!! Yupx, had involved myself for the one whole week roadshow at Bugis Junction!! Then, the week after, another 3 days at Lot 1, Jurong East. The manager there introduced me to a shop at Tiong Bahru Plaza for part-timing there. Although the pay is not that spectacular, I'm hoping to learn more and in advance from what the school teach. Besides, am hoping to learn some retail abilities there as well!! Wahaha xp
Yesterday was the first day report!! And I was orientated by the manager, Lyne. Wow, I was pretty overwhelmed by the information I have gotten yesterday, almost overloaded but, well, Windi manage to survive and retain the info!! Yieppee!! Seems like am better at selling contact lenses than specs. Maybe have been promoting contact lenses all this while I guess.

Anyhow, during the recent PC show at Suntec, I finally purchased my camera!!

Introducing you, 真希!

Yeah, Windi bought his Cybershot DSC T2!! Woot!! Love it!! But, came to my horror, I saw a Toa Pah Yoh branch is selling it at 349 bucks!! Damnx!! I paid almost twice of that during the show!! Well, at least mine included more free gifts and a 4 more extended warranty!! I would rather play safe as it's a touch screen camera. Hehehe Will post some shots from the camera for qulity check. Wahaha
Today would be the second day of work!! Fighto~~ OH!!>_<

~{9:04 AM}

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

How do I teach?
Like what I was saying, I went for my first assignment this evening. Gosh, he is worse than I thought!! Alright, let me start introducing this boy to all of you. He's a 12 years old Chinese who has been staying in Singapore for half a year. And yeah, he's enrolled into primary 4.

Well, at least you expect him to be able to do a self-introduction and some very basic English. But, you know what? He don't even understand, "what's your name?"!! GOSH!! I wonder how he survived that 6 months in the school!!

Now, he really put me into the hot soup!! I'm really stuck on how to teach him!! I meant, he's in P4 now, but his standard is not even in P2!! Even if I'm teaching from the scratch, how is he going to catch up with his studies? Doesn't that means I would be sacked off very soon?? ARGHH!! Please don't let that happen to me!! I dun wanna just get that half of the pay and no more full pay!!

Ok, I dun seem to have any plans for tomorrow but I have one for next week!! Yeah, I feel like going back Indonesia for next week!! Last trip before the school reopen!! Hmm, that would mean I have to change the tuition session from next Wed to next Sunday. I will try to find some intresting ways to teach that boy.. If you have some, please do suggest it to me as well!! Fighto~~OH!!>_<

~{10:29 PM}

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Where's Wyndz at March??
Wow, March is already over!! Gosh, couldn't believe this place has been dead for a month and more!! Still remember Windi telling himself to keep this place updated always. Well, I can't blame Windi doing that, coz he has been on a rollercoasting month, that's why..

Anyway, Windi had been busy with part-timing and his Student Exchange Club's programme for the month of March!! Everyday seems to drift passed him at the blink of an eye. "Why?" you might ask. Coz the exchange programme and part-time job kept him away from house for the whole day and return late at night with his exhausted physical. He couldn't even find a pinch of energy to go online!! That explains his absence for, almost, the whole month of March. Windi do hope that he could save up enough money for his trip!! So, please encourage him when you see him whining about how lethargic he is. Don't let him give up near the end.

Alright, we're enough with Windi's rollercoasting month!! Let's look at some pictures taken during the exchange programme!! Douzo!!

This is the group of KTCs that followed Windi for city tour on 21st March 08'

Taken in the Japanese students' room. (group led by Yuya)

During farewell dinner in a Chinese restaurant somewhere in Tiong

Windi with the "emo guy" who wasn't emo anymore.

Windi with Yuya, at Newton Circus.

Some of the participants involved in the KTC exchange programme.

Please allow me to explain bout the "emo guy" in the pict. Alright, he was rather emo during the campus tour in SP as he ate damn little, and asked for mineral water despite there was lychee drinks served!! And, he emits this emo aura!! Scary manx!! Apparently, he wasn't emo anymore at the last day!! Can't all of us tell from the picture?? Wakaka Lastly, I would like to thank the group of participants that were so cooperative during the whole exchange programme. You guys didn't put the coordinator into any deep trouble. Phew..

Alrighty, that's all for today. It's just an intro on what had been happening during March. This is just KTC's part, there's another part on ANCT!! xp And, Windi is off to his first assignment for tuition!! A P4 student, solely in English!! Yorshiku!! Fighto~OH!! >_<

~{8:30 PM}

Friday, February 22, 2008

The world of split tounge
Still remember the saying, "the most dangerous place is the safest place while the safest place is the most dangerous place"? Well, it kinda make sense to me. Not everything, just half of it. Maybe I would have to take a few more decades to prove itself true to me. Coz for the other half of it to convince itself true had taken 18 years to do so.

When I found myself pretty in hard need for my closest kins, they seems to be so heartless towards me. Thinking that the world we're living might be containing some impurities like lies, back stabbing bla bla bla with them, I thought my "relatives" would be the closest and most countable party to rely on. But, the saying has proven me wrong!! They have betrayed me!! Lying me not just once, but uncountable!!

Still remember, before I started my journey pursuing my dream as an optometrist, my mum told me, "just go on and pursue your studies!! These are all we can do for you!! Don't mention about others, but, so long it's for your studies, we'll cover the expenses for you!!" What a great assurance that I have recieved from her!! Well, no doubt that they have contributed a lot for my studies but this situation was rather distorted when I found myself a part time job, when I started earning my "extra allowance", as they termed it during their persuasion for me to look for job. I were have to pay for the equipment that I needed for my upcoming year 2 studies!! and I was lucky enough to get my cousin to sponsor me when he striked 4D!! This time round, they refused to give me my basic pocket money allowance!! Reason behind it, I have gotten a part time job!!

But HEY, who was the one who initially said that my basic allowance would be given as per normal and whatever I earnt from my part time job would serve as my extra allowance?!! It was all from you guys mouth manx!! Best part is here, my aunt insisted, "How could you get your weekly allowance from us?!! Your having your holiday, and working!! Why must you get it from us?!!" Hehe, funny, so you meant when your boss give you bonus, the basic pay would be overlooked!?? Furthermore, holiday I will be hibernating away, not eating just eat the air, not going out, just stay at home?!! Who the hell is buying for my lunch?!! YOU?!! Hell no manx!!! I gotta pay for my own lunch!! And who on earth will fork out the money for my transportation fee?!! ME AS WELL!! I gotta pay for everything!! And the "extra allowance" that were said had become my basic allowance!! Manx, I'm getting sick of what they told me!! Their words are just so untrustworthy!! I wanna get out from this kinda vicious cycle manx!! Please help me!!

~{12:00 AM}

Friday, February 1, 2008

When her cycle is not my pathway
I had a premonition that I would be posting something bad this morning, and I'm now. It's the very first day of February. Didn't expect it to happen like this. Yea, as you could see from the previous entry, I had my last exam paper today!! I ended it with a pretty delighted heart as I seemed to be able to answer most of the questions. But nightmare only came after my short joy. I was just about to walked out from the exam venue, I realised that the question was asking bout the visual cycle rather than visual pathway!! And that question was an 8 marks question!! Worse, I know how to answer it correctly!! Damnx manx!! Argh!! After a relatively statistical calculations, I were to lose at least 25 marks from this paper.. Shit!! Grrr!! Never mind, I won't be crying the spilled milk. But, I will REGRET!! Yeah, if I were to tell you that I don't mind, I were lying to you! Might as well tell you guys the truth.. Gyahahaha

Anyway, that has unofficially marks the end of my year one as a poly student!! It's unofficial as I will be enjoying my long break of the academic year for 10 weeks!! Yea you didn't read me wrong, it's 10 WEEKS!! Super HAPPY!! I'm a year nearer to my life as an optometrist!! Yiepee!! Synopsis for tomorrow!! Will be having my Japanese class at the morning and meet my God mom at the afternoon. The outing with Nicholas is unconfirm yet.. gyahahaha xp Fighto~~OH!!>_<

~{11:35 PM}

Thursday, January 31, 2008

a small attention..
Wow!! It's already the year of 08'!! And January is ending soon!! And, and, my exam is ending soon as well!! Don't mind me to add another 'and' gyahaha xp Chinese New Year is near as well!! Everywhere you go, you can always detect some red colour ornaments and wallpaper around eh? That's not the fascinating part, what fascinates me every year are my ANG PAO's culture!! Wakakaka XD

Anyway, I'm here to let you guys have a little good laugh!! *well, at least a smile?? xp* Alright, here comes the statement; Korean in Korea loves to spend their times in the bath houses, known as the 三温暖 in mandarin. You may say that they can actually spend days or even weeks in there!! Coz they literally use it as "house"!! That's kinda their culture.. As most of us would have realised, the number of Koreans migrating to Singapore is actually shooting up, so high that we could hardly imagine!! *trust me, it's kinda true..* So, what happened to those who migrated to Singapore, yet wanna cultivate their culture locally when we don't have anything called the bath house in Singapore?? Give up? NO WAY!! They look for a substitute!! So, what did they substitute it with? Shooping malls? Pubs? or temples? Well, none of the above!! They actually subtitutes it with National Library Board!! Surprised?? Gyahaha xp It's true!! If you don't believe me, go on to the Bras Basah National Library, roam around and you will get what I meant!! Wakaka

All right, hope that would put a smile on your face!! I think I'd better get back to my leture notes or should I say tutorial questions?? Yup, preparation for my very last paper, Ocular Physiology, tomorrow. Wish me all the best!! Fighto~~ OH!! >_<

*Here's an edit* My blog seems dead.. Allow me to spur it alive a little.. xp

Wyndz with the dissected pig's eye!!

Wouldn't you want to donate your eye for a dissection??

Ok, I was really thrilled and blown away during the dissection practical!! It was way fun!! *Oops, do I sound.. maniac?? sorry~~* But, but, I really wanna do it once more!! Hey, not by repeating the module!! And, I have my hand on a scalpel!! Wow!! Feel so much in Iryu!

~{6:13 PM}

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fighting hard!!
Wow, seems like Christmas is taking it's steps nearer to us again!! Yeah, somehow I can hear that jingling bell of Santa coming nearer!! Hmm, what should I wish for?? Let's put it this way, what is Santa going to grant me?? Why don't he just tell me which size of socks he needs. I will definitely prepare the XXXXXL for him!! Hahahaha xp

All right, enough on your nonsense wyndz, WAKE UP!! Yeah, Christmas is near, yet again. That would marks the end of year 2007!! Manx, a time to make our new year's resolution again?? Hmm, what is the year of 2008 expecting on me?? Or, what am I expecting on the year of 2008?! Well, I'm kinda busy juggling with assignments, tests and exams!! Especially at this festive seasons!! When everybody are in the mood of holiday-ing and immerse themselves in the river of enjoying, I'm here trying to memorise notes and stuffs!! Well, I'm not that hardworking of course, just.. saying for the sake of saying it. hahaha Anyway, I'm here to announce a few good news!! Yesterday was the first day of my roadshow in Parkway!! And I have successfully sold out 6 boxes of contact lenses!! Yieepee!! Shouldn't I be happy?!! I was so worried that I would be sorry for CooperVision this time round again. But, it seems like I have some luck by my side this time round. Or, should I put it as Spectacle Hut is not by my side?? Anyway, I'm just kinda happy to be able to sold out the products!! Yeah!! Next, I'm officially a Japanese learner now!! The lesson has started for 4 sessions!! And, I'm still enjoying it!!

Fine, I think that's all I wanna update, here comes the synopsis for tomorrow!! I will be down for community service duty for Student Exchange Club (SEC in short) at 5.30 pm near Clementi. Will be doing it with my NYAA friend cum classmate. The duty would stretch till 9 pm O_o OMG!! pretty late eh.. sigh, no choice.. Oh yeah, just before I forgotten this, I have signed myself up for NYAA gold!! Wonder whether I could complete it in time.. Well, I will try my best!! Fighto~~ OH!! >_<

~{9:51 PM}