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Thursday, July 26, 2007

wyndz left out...
Here I'm going to introduce you guys with this death predicting cat. Yeah, it was proven that the cat has been accurately predicted 23 cases of the patients' death in a rehabilitation centre in the states. Coolx huh!! Somehow I just can't post it's photo here's the link then,webbie

Ok, regarding the title. I thought I have taken enough time to adapt in this new environment, but somehow I felt left out these few days.I wonder whether thats just my own feelings or thats a fact? Sigh, anyway, I really do hope that this kinda feeling would be gone. Did my Genopt's prac test today. Pretty fine I would say.

Ok, synopsis again. Will be starting my day pretty early again for Ms Roopa's project. Gotta be in the campus by 9.30 am. Fighto~~ OH!!>_<

~{10:30 PM}

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Depress mode: on
Finally, after so many days of skipping posts, I'm back!! All thanks to today's testS!! Yeah, you were right!! I had 2 tests fallen on the same day!! To make the thing worse, they were Anatomy and Phisiology (which requires lot of memorising works!!) and Analytical and Physical Chemistry (which basically is chemistry, but more in depth as compared to Secondary's work). Ok, I would assume that most o fmy classmates were doing the same thing as I did, focusing on A&P and forgetting bout Chem. Obviously, that was due to the fact that most of us didn't perform well in the A&P's first test. So,it'ssomewhat trying to pull up the mark this time round. So,hopefully, I would be able to score a good grade.. Let's leave today'stest alone,though still stuck in the topic on test. Sigh,sounds very boring and pethatic, but thats basically my life, more and more tests and exams. Yeah, tomorrow still has a General Optic's practical test in oral.

All right, let's drop that dull subject!! I didn't intend to go for the metoring session today. But I met Sandhana, fellow ex-Bartleyans, whom somehow become the fellow mentors of Zhang De as well. Lolx xp. Yeah, I met her in the food court and she asked me to go for the session regardless that we were already very late. Well, so I just followed along and ended up in Zhang De as well. Didn't do much though, just had a game session with the mentees. Pretty enjoyable after such a long and dull day of just having tests.

All right, synopsis again!! Yeah, the day starts pretty early at 9 am. Going to have the Genopt's prac test, then followed by maths tutorial that has been brought forward from 3pm to 1 pm since the CRS lesson was cancelled. Yiepee!! Finally, there is a thing for me to cheer on!! Besides, will be preparing slides for our IDEAS with Jinn Yang as well. Fighto~~ OH!!>_<

~{10:27 PM}

Friday, July 20, 2007

Thank you!!
Yiepee!! I wanna thanks my cousin, Bro Jia Ling for buying me the bluetooth adapter!! Thanks manx!! I have been dying to buy one, however, the performance isn't that satisfying though. Well, at least I'm still able to transfer photos easily. Besides, the installation part was a disaster as well!! All right, everything seems to be going on my way tonight. Even the friendster was fooling me around when I was trying to upload some pictures. Grrr!!

Let's move on from there. All right,got to know that my Genopt's practical written test result today!! It was quite well done - 19/20!! Hooray!! Wonder where did the 1 mark gone to though. Anyway, that was considered well enough I would say. Hmm, besides that I was discussing bout how weird and out of track some of our classmates are with my friends on the way home, after the IDEAS project. Basically, there are a few of my classmates who seldom, or should I say always, don't contribute when comes to project work. That is pretty annoying when knowing that they are getting the same result as we do!! Phew, luckily I don't always meet with this kinda issues, otherwise, I would rather do it myself!! Thankz that Prem and Jinn Yang are two resposible fellow, otherwise you wouldn't see me blogging here, instead you'll be seeing me banging my head on the wall!! gyahahaha xp.

All rightie,the synopsis is here again!! Tomorrow will be attending the First step party organised by SPBP mentoring club. Then, still deciding of going the K-box session with the class as Jeff's and Eng Heng's B'day celebration. Well, I'll decide tomorrow then since Shirlyn has yet to reply my message. Fighto~~ OH!!>_<

All right, before I went to bed,found this interesting quiz on Brother Bear's blog. Wonder how true the prediction is?? Try it yourself then!! There you go..

gURL.comI took the "Love Style" quiz on gURL.com
I am...

Everyone has their pragmatic moments, but, the way John Alan Lee sees it, you, Pragmatic Patty, might just make the rest of us look like fools for love. Green types don't lose their head over another person. Instead, they are attracted to what's good for them, (You lucky devil!). Read more...

What's your love style?

~{11:19 PM}

Thursday, July 19, 2007

She got prank!! XD
All right, I was glad that my classmates brought forward this weird email with the title, "love test, really accurate!!" Cause, with the additional information given by my mates, I was able to put the prank on the user herself!! Wakaka xp. The prank goes like this. The mail would link you to a window that prompts you to enter your name in the 1st blank, then the next 3 blanks to enter the name of your crushes. To reverse back the prank to the sender, I had actually entered my best friend's name at the first blank, then the sender's name in the 2nd blank, last but not least, my hometown friend's name!! Gyahaha XD. I bet she would definitely freaked out manx!! wakakaka xp.

Anyway, today had gotten back my maths written test result. It was rather dissapointing as I just scored a 33.5 out of 50!! Putting the result aside, I was really touched by our math's lecturer, Mrs Tan. She carried out the lecture regardless of her sore throat. Manx!! Ugh, that made me feels so bad. Cause the reason of her not applying her MC was just to return our test papers back to us!! Oh yeah, the A&P practical session today was very contentful!! Well, we learnt to use the microscope and identify most of the slides today!! Hooray!!

Synopsis for tomorrow!! Very well, the very first lecture is 12 pm tomorrow!! Yiepee!! Finally I would be able to have a longer sleep!! Hmm, I think that would be all. Fighto~~ OH!!>_<

~{9:47 PM}

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

wyndz, SHOCKED~~!!
All right, I went for my third mentoring today, but sadly, my mentee, Vishnou, is running a fever. So, I ended up taking a metee, whose mentor was absent today. Ok, initially I was really freaked out as this Indian boy was severely "over-friendly". He was like clinging on to my hand and stuff. However, at the end of the session, I feel sad for the boy as I got to know that he had just lost his father recently. Sigh, well, at least I didn't avoid him that obviously. Ok, enough bout my mentoring prayer. All right, went down to SPOC for my senior's FYP for today's 3 hrs break. Surprisingly, there were lots of people crowding into the SPOC today. gyahaha XD

Anyway,today Ms Jiajia Lek, my class mentor, isn't feeling well. As a result, we were dismissed earlier for our Anatomy and Physiology I lecture (basically, she's the lecturer for this module) so, yeah. That is all bout today I think. Besides, you guys would have aware that I'm blogging rather early today. Well, that's because test is drawing nearer, so I'll try my very best, to revise on Anatomy and Physiology since I didn't do well for this module previously. However, I wonder how true can I revise today as I still has an essay due tomorrow.

Synopsis is here again!! Yeepie, Human biochem lecture is cancelled again, which means, I can sleep an hour later!! wakakaka xp. So, the first lecture for tomorrow is A&P practical at 9 am. Fighto~~ OH!!>_<

~{6:48 PM}

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Shit, I don't wanna be late!!
Ok, nothing special happens. Just like what I have expected, the schedule today was rather dry. On top of that, the weather is going dry and warm again!! Argh!! I really hate that!! On top of that Mrs Tan introduced is with this new chapter on exponantial graph - I think, which looks alien to me!! Worse come to worse, the exam's schedule is already out!! My goodness!! Am I ready for that?? Frankly speaking, I failed to revise my A&P again!! Sigh, I ended up doing FS (friendster) and chatting. Hmmph, somehow I'm entangling myself with friendster, which I never used to be like that. Lolx xp.

Same synopsis as usual!! All right, just like what I mentioned in the title above, I DON'T WANNA BE LATE FOR TOMORROW!! Shit, I gotta wake up by 6 am tomorrow and yet I'm still blogging. wakakaka xp. Anyway, Fighto~~ OH!!>_< guys, please give me some spirits so that I won't be late.. gyahaha.. thankz!!^^

~{11:44 PM}

Monday, July 16, 2007

Yeah, as a very health concious person,I'm going to start consuming pomegranate juice from tomorrow onwards!! gyahaha, I was amased by what I found out earlier on. All the benefits of pomegranate juice,manx, they really surprised me!! It contains more benefits than normal fruits. For instance, it lowers the sugar level in blood, lowers the blood pressure and many more!!

All right,my eyes were in pain when I did Ms Roopa's project this morning. Anyway, I was really out of time when doing the General Optics' written practical test this afternoon!! Just like what my lecturer said, "Aiya, Windi ar, you were really slow ar. You just completed half of the paper while the rest had already attemted the 3/4 of the paper and there were only a few minutes left." *She's a China's Chinese, that explains the abundant of "ar's" in her sentences.* Luckily she was kind enough to extend the time, not just once but TWICE!! Thanks very much Ms Ming Xia!! I really appreciated your kind heart and thoughts.

The last stop of the tour then, the synopsis!! Well,tomorrow gotta wake up pretty early as the first lecture starts at 10 am. Hmmph, I have planned to grab the cheese burger with egg from the school Co-op shop, as my breakfast. Ok then, I would expect tomorrow would be a pretty dry schedule as usual.. Fighto~~ OH!!>_<

~{10:25 PM}

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Hmmph, so weird of me~~
All right, went to Nic's b'day dinner at Seoul Garden, Bugis this evening. Arrived there earlier than expected, but ended up the rest of the group having a pool session nearby Bugis. Which meant, the rest was late~~ wakakaka xp. Well, at least they spared me with some time to walk around Kinokuniya. Ok, I had a very full buffet definitely. Had a five scoops icecream as the closing dessert!! Gyahaha XD. I'm very glad that Nic likes the present I bought. Lolx xp. Somehow I was pretty quite during the dinner. Wonder what was wrong with me. wakakaka xp.

Okie donkie, the usual synopsis for tomorrow. Fine, I oughta get to the school by 10 am at the SPOC for Ms Roopa's project!! Shit, I was thinking of using the time before that for Genopt's practical test revision. Sigh, anyway, fighto~~ OH!! >_<

~{11:21 PM}

Saturday, July 14, 2007

aahh~~ tiring~~
Ok, went out to buy a b'day present for Nic just now. Coming along with me was my hometown's friend, Gusnawan. All right, I met him up at city hall MRT station and ended up at the last destination - Orchard MRT station!! Good grief, there are 4 stations away!! Which means, I have been travelling from City Hall, then Dhoby Ghaut, passed by Somerset on foot, and finally arrived at Orchard MRT station!! Gyahaha, can't believe it manx!! And.. and.. it was really tiring!! Lolx xp.

Nothing much other than just window shopping and chatting with my friends. wakaka XD. Anyway, the usual synopsis then. Hmmph, tomorrow will be Nic's B'day celebration at Seoul Garden in Bugis. Wonder who's gonna buy the cake.. but, but, how are we going to eat it when we're going for a buffet?? Well, I'm sure that we'll have one!! Hope that Nic would like the present I choosed for him. And it was paid half by Aik How, who struggled to get a present. lolx xp. Fighto~~ OH!!

p.s. seems like I have been skipping my entries.. Sigh, sorry.
some random pictures taken in SPOC (S'pore Poly Optometry Centre)

Choy Peng and I acted as murderer while Merlyn as the victim.Lol xp

Hey, check this Specs out!! wakakaka XD

oh my goodness, I didn't know that I'm capable of doing that..

~{11:16 PM}

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Yeah, that was a medical term for "face-blindness" People suffer from this illness wouldn't be able to recognise faces, regardless the famous - even your loved ones. Sigh, so sadx, I couldn't imagine if one day I woke up without any memory with me. That's so horrible!!

Anyway, today had my CRS presentation done. I have no idea how bad or well we had done, but I pray for the very best. The most embarrass thing was when my lecturer shot a question to us, and I was trying to answer, my lecturer cut me and went, "I want Jinn Yang to answer this question." Good grief, that was so embarrassing!! I was just trying to help since my mate seemed struggling to come out with an answer. Argh!!

All right, yesterday was the 2nd mentoring session at Zhang De primary school. It was again another fun trip, my mentee was able to absorb whatever I handed over to him. Hope that he would remember whatever I have thought him. Lolx xp.

Synopsis as usual!! Tomorrow gotta wake up early in order to get to the school by 9 am for a FYP. Sigh, oh yeah, anybody who is interested to get a pair of free spectacles and cash of 30 bucks, please tag me by c-box and I'll get back to you!! Gyahahaha xp.

~{8:03 PM}

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Surfing smoothly, I think...
Ok, I'm glad to find out that CRS essay is die next week instead of this coming thursday. On top of that, another great thing would be the biochem's lecture this coming thursday has been cancelled!! Hooray!! (^O^)v Well, though this would mean a short rest for me, that doesn't mean we'll be having great time then!! We'll be having our 2nd rounds of quizzes coming up!! Argh!! Seriously, this upcoming quiz fever would take my life manx!!

Well, I think that's all for today, nothing much had happened today. The usual synopsis now. Ok, tomorrow I really PROMISE to wake up early and not be late for the lecture!! Yeah, tomorrow is the 2nd session of the mentoring!! I hope I would be able to get my personal mentee by then. Fighto~~ OH!!>_<

~{8:57 PM}

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Whole day spent in the library..
Ok, another birthday boy!! Happy Birthday Keita!! Hope you are having the very best 15th birthday!!

Anyway, our group had spent almost the whole day in the library to come out with a scatchy draft for the CRS discussion cafe. On top of that I still gotta read about 16 articles for CRS to gain the 20% participation mark, which I have yet to start. Damn it CRS!! Grrrr. . Ok, the worse thing is that I have yet to touch on the human Biochem's written assignment which is due this friday!! My goodness!! How am I going to avoid this flooding from happening on me manx?!!

Let's drop the academic stuffs aside. Yeah, finally went for swimming this evening!! Phew, I'm glad that I went today. In that case, since I'm all worked out, I wouldn't have to bother whatever assignments that I have and get a good sleep tonight. Well, that's actually avoiding it, but I just wanna get a good rest today!! Seriously, I'll try my very best to do everything after today... Talking bout the swimming session I had today, there was a joke attached to it as well!! I set off from my home so happily without any worries, just having swimming in mind, to the swimming complex. I brought everything, but my swimming trunks!! WTH!! Yeah, I found out I forgotten my trunks half way to the swimming complex!! lolx xp..

All right, tomorrow will be having an appoinment to check my eyes in order to decide whether I'm eligible for a lecturer project. Sigh, gotta be at school by 10 am. Ok then, hope that I will be able to finish all my assignments manx!! Fighto~~ OH!!>_<

~{9:09 PM}

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Yet, another birthday...
Yeah, it's Kellyn's b'day today, my new classmate, this is her 18th b'day!! Happy b'day!! Oh, there are way too many cancer babies manx!! Ok, I was just done with my Chemistry's formal report. God, it was really a disaster manx!! My eyes are glued on this monitor for more than 5 hours I think, just to complete that shit. Argh!! I'm very very sleepy now...

Ok, tomorrow gotta wakeup fairly early due to the group meeting for CRS's discussion cafe. Argh,the worse thing, the destination was fixed at Jurong point Library. My goodness, don't they know that it's very far from my house?! Grrrrr... Fighto~~ OH!! >_< sleepy~~

~{12:46 AM}

Friday, July 6, 2007

Another Cancer's b'day!!
Yeah, it's none other than my aunt May's b'day!! Happy Birthday aunt May!! May you have a very happy b'day!! Though that would mean a year older to you. Wakakaka XD. So, yeah, we had a steamboat dinner at Golden Mile Complex. It was a very squeezy dinner but I like it though. lolx xp. Anyway, after we cleaned up the steamboat, the b'day cake was brought up and b'day song was sang. I was busy recording while my niece was busy eating and stuff. It was a banana cake bought from choc.de.bloc, by cousin Jernice. Thanks, the cake was delicious!!^^

All right,spent quite a great time at school and got to know that we won't be having any IDEAS lecture for the next two weeks. However, an assignment was given again. Which means, another deadline to be met. Argh!! I hate to meet deadlines manx!! =( Sigh, and the worst thing is that this particular assignment weighs 40%!! My goody goodness!!

Anyway, let's drop that subject aside and move to our synopsis for tomorrow!! I gotta get to the school by 9 am though there isn't any lectures going on. Well, I'll be participating in my senior's Final Year Project (FYP in short). Will be doing contact lens fittings again and stuff. Would take a whole long 4 hours!! Argh!! I wonder what I would be doing then. Fighto~~ OH!! >_<

~{10:51 PM}

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The kid within me..
Finally I caught Transformers!! Watched it with Charlie and my cousin, Wawan. Ok, I have to admit that another five-stars movie is in the list again!! Gyahaha XD. Manx, the visual effect, osund effect and the action was really a blast!! Although the story line wasn't that magnificient. Ok, I would expect a continuous series after this. Hope that Steven Spielbergs is going to amaze me with his great filming skills again!! Yeah!! ^^

All right, other than that, I'm really worked out today!! Woke up at 6, have not slept yet till now. Went thorugh lectures, tutorials and stuff.. Grrr.. Anyway, I wanna thanks Mrs Tan to be so patient to teach us the Logarithm during the maths tutorial. Other than that would be A&P's practical under Ms Shirlena. Thanx to her, I would be able to absorb more!! wakakaka xp

All rightie, the usual synopsis again. Ok, the day is going to start at noon tomorrow!! Yeepie!! Coolx, I can finally sleeps more. Seriously, after not getting enough sleeps last few days, my face starts to turn bad.. very bad... More and more acne seems to start develop. Argh!! I don't wanna have another breakout!! Fighto~~ OH!! >_<

~{11:30 PM}

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Happy B'day Dad!! ^^
Yeah, today is my dad's B'day!! Wish you a very best birthday dad!! Though I feel very dissapointed of not being able to celebrate it with you =( Anyway, today had attended my very first mentoring session at Zhang De primary school. Those little br.. um, I meant kids, are pretty fun to play with, but hard to get them to do work. Especially the boy that I mentor on today, he was distratcted from his work very easily. Hmm, the sad part is, he seems to have gave up his maths. I wonder what can I help him to get back the spirit.

All right, I was late again for the early lecture this morning. Sigh, I really gotta get to my bed early today. I don't want to see the same thing happening again tomorrow. Argh!!

From the above sentences you can clearly predict that I'll be having the first lecture at 8 am again!! Sigh, what a horror!! Hope that I won't be late again. Ok, I'll be having Anatomy and Physiology practical tomorrow!! That would be the best practical for any modules that I have so far!! Fighto~~ OH!! >_<

~{10:13 PM}

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Weather is bad!! >_<
Argh!! The weather has been very bad these few days!! I gauge it's around 35ºC,however, it is shown that the temperature is only 30ºC in the Yahoo weather forecast and in stormy weather!! This shows how untrue the forecast is, coz in actual, the weather is like a living oven!! Windless, scorching sun and stuff. Grrrrrr!! It's killing me!!

Finally the maths written test is over!! I really do pray hard that I would be able to pass this test and get over this module!! I don't wanna forward this unrelated module next semester manx!! Now I realise how insignificant student without A-maths like me are. Or, was it just me?? Sigh....

All right, I don't really know what the hell is happening with the connection, but,I couldn't get connected to the blogger .com just now. That was stupid!! And I have to reytpe this entry for like 5 times?? Argh!! Shit!! Ok,tomorrow i sthe very first mentoring session!! Hope that it gonna be nice.. The bad thing, gotta wake up very early in order to be at school by 8 am. Fighto~~ OH!! >_<

~{10:26 PM}

Monday, July 2, 2007

Pretty usual day...
Nothing big in particular happened today. Stayed in the school for the promising 2 hours, then went for a late lunch with the so tong alliance. Afterwhich, I came back and went out again near 4 pm, departing to Bras Basah National Library to help my friend out with his Newsweek assignments. I didn't help much though, just a mere 2 commentary. Then he treated me to Ajitei. And I had salad for my dinner!! Lolx xp. I was full, that's why.. Since I just gotten back from Bugis, I gotta bathe after the entry and START practising my Maths!! Gosh, tomorrow is another round of Maths test!! What the hell?!! Sigh, that's the responsibility of a student I guess.

All right, the first lecture starts at 10 am tomorrow, which is A&P Chem. Oh yeah, we had gotten back our 2nd test paper. I have gotten 49/50 this time round. The one mark deducted was the most stupid mistake I have I ever had!! It was not even the answer tothe question, yet the mark was deducted!! Grrrrr.. Anyway, yeah, tomorrow has a Maths test!! Fighto~~ OH!! >_<

~{9:12 PM}

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Half a year gone!! O_o
All right, June had officially left our life. In other words, half a year had passed!! Gosh, time seriously walk in and out our life without any mercies!! Anyway, today also marked the very last day of this week and it has been a tiring day for me. Well, basically I had been baby-sitting my niece for the whole day. My goodness, taking care an infant has never been easy as we thought!! You need to draw all your attention to that particular infant. Gyaaa!! But, it was quite fun to see my niece enjoying herself!!

Ok, yesterday I went to work in a hotel, as a service crew of a wedding dinner. That was the very first day, yet the last day I'll be serving in that hotel. Basically, they don't allow foreign student to work there. I was able to work yesterday due to some misunderstanding. The experience was pretty fun and interesting. I would say I enjoyed the experience. Besides, I'm very glad that my effort was being appreciated by other colleges. Cause my colleges kept asking my aunt, "Are you sure that he's a first timer?!! I wouldn't believe him if he wasn't your nephew cause he does a good job!!" Wow, I was so elated to recieve those compliments!! I had also learnt quite a few lessons from that one day job. Like how to remove the fish bone and stuff.. Coolx huh?! Yeah, definitely manx!! lolx xp. Met quite lots of people and had quite lots of pleasant, yet unpleasant surprises. lolx xp. Yeah, though everything ended at 11 pm+, I gotten home at 12 am!! Then slept at 2 am+!! GOD!!

Yawns, so sorry, I'm really exhausted. Ok, the usual synopsis. The first lecture is starting at 12 pm tomorrow and ends at 2 pm. -_-" Anyway, gotta meet my language school's friend at the library to help him out with his school works, doing his big 'O' this year. Be.sides, gotta change the bed sheets and clean the fan tomorrow morning. Grrr.. Fighto~~ OH!! >_<

~{10:24 PM}