wyndz, SHOCKED~~!!
All right, I went for my third mentoring today, but sadly, my mentee, Vishnou, is running a fever. So, I ended up taking a metee, whose mentor was absent today. Ok, initially I was really freaked out as this Indian boy was severely "over-friendly". He was like clinging on to my hand and stuff. However, at the end of the session, I feel sad for the boy as I got to know that he had just lost his father recently. Sigh, well, at least I didn't avoid him that obviously. Ok, enough bout my mentoring prayer. All right, went down to SPOC for my senior's FYP for today's 3 hrs break. Surprisingly, there were lots of people crowding into the SPOC today. gyahaha XD
Anyway,today Ms Jiajia Lek, my class mentor, isn't feeling well. As a result, we were dismissed earlier for our Anatomy and Physiology I lecture (basically, she's the lecturer for this module) so, yeah. That is all bout today I think. Besides, you guys would have aware that I'm blogging rather early today. Well, that's because test is drawing nearer, so I'll try my very best, to revise on Anatomy and Physiology since I didn't do well for this module previously. However, I wonder how true can I revise today as I still has an essay due tomorrow.
Synopsis is here again!! Yeepie, Human biochem lecture is cancelled again, which means, I can sleep an hour later!! wakakaka xp. So, the first lecture for tomorrow is A&P practical at 9 am. Fighto~~ OH!!>_<