Where's Wyndz at March??
Wow, March is already over!! Gosh, couldn't believe this place has been dead for a month and more!! Still remember Windi telling himself to keep this place updated always. Well, I can't blame Windi doing that, coz he has been on a rollercoasting month, that's why..
Anyway, Windi had been busy with part-timing and his Student Exchange Club's programme for the month of March!! Everyday seems to drift passed him at the blink of an eye. "Why?" you might ask. Coz the exchange programme and part-time job kept him away from house for the whole day and return late at night with his exhausted physical. He couldn't even find a pinch of energy to go online!! That explains his absence for, almost, the whole month of March. Windi do hope that he could save up enough money for his trip!! So, please encourage him when you see him whining about how lethargic he is. Don't let him give up near the end.
Alright, we're enough with Windi's rollercoasting month!! Let's look at some pictures taken during the exchange programme!! Douzo!!

This is the group of KTCs that followed Windi for city tour on 21st March 08'
Taken in the Japanese students' room. (group led by Yuya)

During farewell dinner in a Chinese restaurant somewhere in Tiong

Windi with the "emo guy" who wasn't emo anymore.

Windi with Yuya, at Newton Circus.

Some of the participants involved in the KTC exchange programme.
Please allow me to explain bout the "emo guy" in the pict. Alright, he was rather emo during the campus tour in SP as he ate damn little, and asked for mineral water despite there was lychee drinks served!! And, he emits this emo aura!! Scary manx!! Apparently, he wasn't emo anymore at the last day!! Can't all of us tell from the picture?? Wakaka Lastly, I would like to thank the group of participants that were so cooperative during the whole exchange programme. You guys didn't put the coordinator into any deep trouble. Phew..
Alrighty, that's all for today. It's just an intro on what had been happening during March. This is just KTC's part, there's another part on ANCT!! xp And, Windi is off to his first assignment for tuition!! A P4 student, solely in English!! Yorshiku!! Fighto~OH!! >_<